
At the core of Vigilant's features are notifications. Getting notified when something occurs on the right channel under the right conditions. Vigilant's notification engine is customizable so that it is possible to direct specific notifications to specific channels. Need a downtime notification for site A to go to channel A and for site B to channel B? No problem!

Configuring Notifications

In Vigilant you can click on Notifications in the sidebar to configure your notifications. Here you will see a list of all the configured notifications.

Notification Settings

Trigger: The event that triggers this notification

Cooldown: The amount of minutes to not send notifications if a previous notification with the same trigger already has been sent.

Sent on all channels: If selected the notification will be sent on all available channels

Channels: Notification will only be sent on the selected channels.

Conditions: These allow you to specify when a notification may be sent.

Notification Channels

Under Notification Channels you can configure your channels. The configuration per channel depends on the parameters of the service.

Notification History

Vigilant keeps track of the notifications that are sent to you using the Notification History.